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Eisenbahnmuseum Leipzig/
Verein Eisenbahnmuseum Bayerischer Bahnhof zu Leipzig e.V.
Goldrutenweg 21
04207 Leipzig
Mobil: +49-176-621-70-200 (Mo – Fr 17 – 19 Uhr)



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Bahnbetriebswerk Leipzig-Plagwitz

Experience railway history in the trade fair city of Leipzig, a city with a rich railway heritage...

For example, the first German long-distance railway line was opened in 1839, and the biggest terminal station in Europe was inaugurated in 1915. Since 1989, friends of the "Verein Eisenbahnmuseum Bayerischer Bahnhof zu Leipzig e.V." (Bayerischer station railway museum association in Leipzig) have been committed to preserving numerous artifacts of railway history. The engine shed of the former locomotive depot in Leipzig-Plagwitz houses the railway museum containing several vehicles and exhibitions. In addition, the association has organized special train rides in the surroundings of Leipzig and to various destinations in Saxony.

The museum has no fixed opening hours. Please call to make a reservation for a visit or a guided tour of our museum.



Location Railway Museum Bayerischer Bahnhof zu Leipzig


The museum can be found in the Leipzig Plagwitz.

Arrival by bus and train mit Bus & Bahn

With the tram lines 1 or 2 to stop "Kurt Cress Street," with the line 3 to "Kötzschauer road". Next you follow each follow Kurt Cress Street and then after about 5 minutes. Walk the museum in the old depot. On event days the road is signposted to the railway depot.


Arrival by Car

Coming turn into the Hermann-Meyer-Straße direction Schönauerstraße or Brünnerstraße. There, in a relatively quiet residential area, one almost always finds a parking spot. Walk further in this direction, you reach the Schönauerstraße again and go left into the Goldrutenweg. After about 5 minutes walk, the museum in the old depot is reached.

 Railway MuseumRailway Museum Leipzig (EMBB e.V.)

1 - Water Tower, 2 - Lok Hall, 3 - Mitropa Buffet Car, 4 Bunker Oil
5 - Anheizschuppen, 6 - Coal, 7 - EDK 6, 8 - Ausschlackgrube

Dampfzug des Eisenbahnmuseum Leipzig. 
© Pressebild Eisenbahnmuseum Bayrischer Bahnhof zu Leipzig e.V.


Rolling Stock Railway Museum Bayerischer Bahnhof zu Leipzig

Steam locomotives

Baureihe 52.80
Bauart 1'E h2
Güterzug Rekolokomotive der Deutschen Reichsbahn, 1960–1967, 200 Stück, Raw Stendal, ca. 1470 kW

Hersteller Orenstein & Koppel Lokomotivfabrik Drewitz
als Kriegslok 52 4896
52 8154-8; Baujahr 1943

Baureihe 52.00
Bauart 1´E h2
Güterzug Kriegslok der Deutschen Reichsbahn, 1942–1950, ca. 7000 Stück, ca. 1192 kW

Hersteller Schichau-Werke Elbing,
52 5448-7; Baujahr 1943; Fabriknummer 3726
not operational, exhibition locomotive in Leipzig Central Station

Diesel locomotives

DRG Kleinlokomotive Leistungsgruppe II, Rangierlokomotive,
H6-Motor mit 102 PS, 6Zylinder, Achsfolge B-dm

Orenstein & Koppel Lokomotivfabrik Drewitz
Kö 4184; Baujahr 1933

Historische Bayerischer Bahnhof in Leipzig. 
© Sammlung Linz

Opening times:

Samstags außer an Sonderfahrtagen.
Samstag 10.00–16.00 Uhr


admission prices:

Leipziger Eisenbahntage
Erwachsene 7,00 €
Kinder (6–14 J.) 4,00 €